Showing posts with label DISEASES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DISEASES. Show all posts

Monday, 5 October 2020

Home Remedies for Thin , Watery Semen and low sperm count

 Home Remedies for Thin , Watery Semen and low sperm count.


10 Home Remedies for Thin and Watery Semen

1. Fructose Rich Foods

As Fructose is one of the main component of semen so a diet poor in fructose may result in thinning of semen. You can replenish your fructose deficiency by eating food rich in carbohydrates. Fruits and vegetables are rich source of fructose so try to include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet plan. Apple, berries, pears, grapes, dates, guava, mango, pineapple and watermelon and rich sources of fructose. Cucumber, cabbage, tomato, lettuce and onions are good sources of fructose.

2. Dried Dates and Milk

Soak 5-7 dry dates(chhuhara) in milk for 2-3 hours or until they become soft. Eat them with milk daily to cure thinning of semen. Dates are excellent source of carbohydrates and dietary fibers. They also contain a good amount of Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5 and small amount of Vitamin A1. Dates(khajur) not only improve overall energy level but also increase sexual stamina and help to make your semen dense.

3. Zinc Rich Foods

Sometimes zinc deficiency also cause thinning of semen. Oyster, lamb(mutton), almonds, peanuts, pine nuts(chilgoza), cashews and sunflower seeds are good sources of Zinc.

4. Selenium Rich Foods

Selenium is also essential for proper thickening of semen. Brazil Nuts, Sunflower Seeds, Fish(salmon, sardines and tuna), Oyster, Lamb(mutton),chicken,eggs,wheat germ, barley, brown rice, oats and onion are good sources of selenium.

5. Vitamin C Rich Foods

Sometimes deficiency of vitamin C may also lead to thinning of semen. Increase your intake of Foods rich in Vitamins C. Oranges, tangerines, limes, guava, lemons, papayas, strawberries, black currants, grapefruit and mangoes, collard greens, green and red peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, brussel sprouts, cabbage, potatoes, kale, spinach(palak), and watercress are good natural food sources of Vitamin C.


6. Vitamin E Rich Foods

Vitamin E Rich Foods are also important to cure the problem of thin and watery semen. Many natural oils including olive oil, sesame, sunflower, safflower, soybean, peanut, and corn are naturally rich sources of Vitamin E. Some nuts and seeds also contain good amount of Vitamin E. Almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds are excellent examples of Vitamin E rich nuts and seeds. Butter, margarine, eggs, wheat germ, wheat germ oil, soya, yams, corn and fortified cereals are other good sources. Some green vegetables like spinach and broccoli also contain good amount of Vitamin E. Avocados, mangoes and sweet potatoes are also good sources of Vitamin E.

7. Vitamin B12 Rich Foods

Deficiency of Vitamin B12 may also lead to thin and watery semen. Try to eat foods rich in Vitamin B12. Liver, kidney, yogurt, cheese, eggs, dairy products, nonfat dry milk, fish, clams, oysters, salmon and sardines are good sources of Vitamin B12.

8. Reduce your Stress Level

Reduce your stress level because stress is also responsible for hormonal imbalance and cause thinning of semen. You can reduce your stress level by regular practice of yoga or meditation.

9. Regular Exercise Along with Healthy Foods

Exercise is important to strengthen the body muscles and and adequate production of semen. Regular exercise not only helps to overcome the problem of thin semen but also helps to reduce your overall stress level. After exercise don't forget to fuel your body with healthy foods including fresh fruits and vegetables otherwise fructose deficiency may further lead to thinning of semen.

10. Proper Sleep

Proper and uninterrupted sleep of 6-8 hours is essential for healthy brain because only a healthy brain is able to release a balanced amount of sex hormones for proper thickening of semen.


(i)If you are a diabetic patient fructose rich food are hazardous to you so avoid consuming them before consulting a doctor.

(ii) Avoid Masturbation because the men who indulge in over masturbation start producing poor quality semen due to weakness of muscles. Testes require 48-72 hours to replenish sperms that`s why daily masturbation or ejaculation not only reduces the amount of semen available for each ejaculation but also reduce sperm count in semen and hence results in thinning of semen.

(iii)Maintain a gap of 3 days between two consecutive ejaculations. More times you ejaculate, the less dense your semen will be because daily ejaculation reduces the amount of semen available during each ejaculation. So for dense semen and healthy sperms have sex with your partner at least after 2 or 3 days.

(iv) Avoid Smoking because it not only damage blood vessels but also restrict the oxygen supply to blood and decrease sperm production and also decrease their life span.

(v)Avoid alcohol because it affects your liver function, which, in turn disturb hormonal levels. Even two drinks a day will have long term effects on sperm production. So strictly avoid alcohol intake.

(vi)Avoid hot baths because over heating is dangerous for sperms.

(vii)If you don't get rid of thinning of semen by using above remedies then don't rely only on these home remedies and consult your problems with doctor because sometimes thinning of semen may be a cause of other underlying sexual disease.


For other sexual diseases

Sunday, 27 September 2020






Risk factors



Recommendation (Herbal Treatment)

07067485822 / 08162044999


Fibroids are abnormal growths that develop in or on a woman’s uterus. Sometimes these tumors become quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy periods. In other cases, they cause no signs or symptoms at all. The growths are typically benign, or noncancerous. The cause of fibroids is unknown.

Fibroids are also known by the following names:



uterine myomas


According to the Office on Women’s Health, up to 80 percent Trusted Source of women have them by the age of 50. However, most women don’t have any symptoms and may never know they have fibroids.


                            DIFFERENT TYPES OF FIBROIDS

The type of fibroid a woman develops depends on its location in or on the uterus.



Intramural fibroids are the most common type of fibroid. These types appear within the muscular wall of the uterus. Intramural fibroids may grow larger and can stretch your womb.



Subserosal fibroids form on the outside of your uterus, which is called the serosa. They may grow large enough to make your womb appear bigger on one side.



Subserosal tumors can develop a stem, a slender base that supports the tumor. When they do, they’re known as pedunculated fibroids.



These types of tumors develop in the middle muscle layer, or myometrium, of your uterus. Submucosal tumors aren’t as common as the other types.

                                CAUSES FIBROIDS

It’s unclear why fibroids develop, but several factors may influence their formation.

1.  Hormones

Estrogen and progesterone are the hormones produced by the ovaries. They cause the uterine lining to regenerate during each menstrual cycle and may stimulate the growth of fibroids.


2.  Family history

Fibroids may run in the family. If your mother, sister, or grandmother has a history of this condition, you may develop it as well.


3.  Pregnancy

Pregnancy increases the production of estrogen and progesterone in your body. Fibroids may develop and grow rapidly while you’re pregnant.

                            Who is at risk for fibroids?

Women are at greater risk for developing fibroids if they have one or more of the following risk factors:

·       pregnancy

·       family history of fibroids

·       age of 30 or older

·       African-American

·       High body weight


v heavy bleeding between or during your periods that includes blood clots

v pain in the pelvis or lower back

v increased menstrual cramping

v increased urination

v pain during intercourse

v menstruation that lasts longer than usual

v pressure or fullness in your lower abdomen

v swelling or enlargement of the abdomen


Your symptoms will depend on the number of tumors you have as well as their location and size. For instance, submucosal fibroids may cause heavy menstrual bleeding and trouble conceiving.

If your tumor is very small or you’re going through menopause, you may not have any symptoms. Fibroids may shrink during and after menopause. This is because women undergoing menopause are experiencing a drop in their levels of estrogen and progesterone, hormones that stimulate fibroid growth.


For a proper diagnosis, you’ll need to see a gynecologist to get a pelvic exam. This exam is used to check the condition, size, and shape of your uterus. You may also need other tests, which include:


An ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of your uterus on a screen. This will allow your doctor to see its internal structures and any fibroids present. A transvaginal ultrasound, in which the ultrasound wand is inserted into the vagina, may provide clearer pictures since it’s closer to the uterus during this procedure.


This in-depth imaging test produces pictures of your uterus, ovaries, and other pelvic organs.



Your doctor will develop a treatment plan based on your age, the size of your fibroids, and your overall health. You may receive a combination of treatments.



Dietary changes can help as well.

Avoid meats and high-calorie foods.

v Eat foods high in flavonoids,

v Go for green vegetables,

v Take green tea (liv on tea);

v Cold-water fish such as tuna or salmon.



DLT Herbal Supplement

 SUPER DOSE (Twice daily). Start, four days before                              menstruation. (Swallow with warm water)

 DAABS                  (twice daily)

 SAABFAT 5          (twice daily)

 Herbal ZINC         (twice daily)

Taking the above supplements can detach the root of the fibroid and flows out during menstruation or shrinks it.


to know more about infection and infertility




Surgery to remove very large or multiple growths may be performed. This is known as a myomectomy. An abdominal myomectomy involves making a large incision in the abdomen to access the uterus and remove the fibroids. The surgery can also be performed laparoscopically, using a few small incisions into which surgical tools and a camera are inserted. Fibroids might grow back after surgery.


If your condition worsens, or if no other treatments work, your physician may perform a hysterectomy. However, this means that you won’t be able to bear children in the future.


Noninvasive or minimally invasive procedures

A newer and completely noninvasive surgical procedure is forced ultrasound surgery (FUS). You lie down inside a special MRI machine that allows doctors to visualize the inside of your uterus. High-energy, high-frequency sound waves are directed at the fibroids to ablate, or destroy, them.


Myolysis procedures (such as Acessa) shrink fibroids using heat sources like an electric current or laser, while cryomyolysis freezes the fibroids. Endometrial ablation involves inserting a special instrument into your uterus to destroy the uterine lining using heat, electric current, hot water, or extreme cold.


Another nonsurgical option is uterine artery embolization. In this procedure, small particles are injected into the uterus in order to cut off the fibroids’ blood supply.


What can be expected in the long term?

Your prognosis will depend on the size and location of your fibroids. Fibroids may not need treatment if they’re small or don’t produce symptoms.


If you’re pregnant and have fibroids, or become pregnant and have fibroids, your doctor will carefully monitor your condition. In most cases, fibroids don’t cause problems during pregnancy. Speak with your doctor if you expect to become pregnant and have fibroids.

Saturday, 26 September 2020





Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is an infection of the female reproductive organs.

 It most often occurs when sexually transmitted bacteria spread from your vagina to your uterus, fallopian tubes or ovaries.


The signs and symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease can be subtle or mild.

Some women don't experience any signs or symptoms.

As a result, you might not realize you have it until you have trouble getting pregnant or you develop chronic pelvic pain.

The signs and symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease might be mild and difficult to recognize.

symptoms of PID are mostly include:

Pain — ranging from mild to severe in your lower abdomen and pelvis

Abnormal or heavy vaginal discharge that may have an unpleasant odor

Abnormal uterine bleeding, especially during or after intercourse, or between menstrual cycles

Pain during intercourse

Fever, sometimes with chills


Painful, frequent or difficult urination


See your doctor or seek urgent medical care if you experience:

·       Severe pain low in your abdomen

Nausea and vomiting, with an inability to keep anything down

·       Fever, with a temperature higher than 101 F (38.3 C)

·       Foul vaginal discharge.

If you have signs and symptoms of PID that aren't severe, still see your doctor as soon as possible.

·       Painful urination or bleeding between menstrual cycles can also be symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection (STI).


If any of the  signs and symptoms above occur, stop having sex and see your doctor soon.

 Prompt treatment of an STI can help prevent PID.



Many types of bacteria can cause PID, but gonorrhea or Chlamydia infections are the most common.

These bacteria are usually acquired during unprotected sex.

Less commonly, bacteria can enter your reproductive tract anytime the normal barrier created by the cervix is disturbed. This can happen during menstruation and after childbirth, miscarriage or abortion. Rarely, bacteria can also enter the reproductive tract during the insertion of an intrauterine device (IUD) — a form of long-term birth control — or any medical procedure that involves inserting instruments into the uterus.

Risk factors

A number of factors might increase your risk of pelvic inflammatory disease, including:

v Being a sexually active woman younger than 25 years old;

v Having multiple sexual partners

v Being in a sexual relationship with a person who has more than one sex partner

v Having sex without a condom

v Douching regularly, which upsets the balance of good versus harmful bacteria in the vagina and might mask symptoms

v Having a history of pelvic inflammatory disease or a sexually transmitted infection

There is a small increased risk of PID after the insertion of an intrauterine device (IUD). This risk is generally confined to the first three weeks after insertion. 


Untreated pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) might cause scar tissue and pockets of infected fluid (abscesses) to develop in the reproductive tract. These can cause permanent damage to the reproductive organs.

Complications from this damage might include:

1.  Ectopic pregnancy.

PID is a major cause of tubal (ectopic) pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy can occur when untreated PID has caused scar tissue to develop in the fallopian tubes. The scar tissue prevents the fertilized egg from making its way through the fallopian tube to implant in the uterus. Instead, the egg implants in the fallopian tube. Ectopic pregnancies can cause massive, life-threatening bleeding and require emergency medical attention.

2. Infertility.

Damage to your reproductive organs may cause

Infertility: The inability to become pregnant. The more times you've had PID, the greater your risk of infertility. Delaying treatment for PID also dramatically increases your risk of infertility.

Chronic pelvic pain.

Pelvic inflammatory disease can cause pelvic pain that might last for months or years. Scarring in your fallopian tubes and other pelvic organs can cause pain during intercourse and ovulation.

4. Tubo-ovarian abscess.

PID might cause an abscess — a collection of pus — to form in your reproductive tract. Most commonly, abscesses affect the fallopian tubes and ovaries, but they can also develop in the uterus or in other pelvic organs.

If an abscess is left untreated, you could develop a life-threatening infection.




SUPER DOSE(twice daily)

DAABS (twice daily)

SSABFAT5 (twice daily)

SAABFAT 6  (twice daily)                                          

ZINC (twice daily)

SAABMAL (twice daily)

Vitamin C and E (twice daily)


Home Remedies for Thin , Watery Semen and low sperm count

  Home Remedies for Thin , Watery Semen and low sperm count. *LOW SPERM COUNT* 10 Home Remedies for Thin and Watery Semen 1. Fructose Ri...